Despite April wind, rain and snow, the show would go on!
In what is believed to have been a Canadian first, this spring I had the pleasure of leading a team of 6 dedicated volunteers (thanks Holly Bridges, Dan Dekoker, Bill Christie, Jonathan Edwards, Kate Costello and Max Lavoie!) as we worked to bring the hosted, live webcast of a complete international air show to fruition. Clocking in with a run time of just under 5 hours, we produced and aired our April 30, 2017 show from the edge of the main taxiway at the Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport – the site of the very wet, snowy (and eventually muddy) Aero150 extravaganza.

During one of our pre-recorded webcast segments (Chapter 14, below), Snowbird 10 brought viewers into the cockpit of a CT-114 Tutor.
In early May, I took our 720p broadcast file and edited it slightly, removing two copyright-controlled songs which the Canadian and French air demonstration teams had used in their soundtracks and optimizing the content and flow for on-demand viewing. The result is a single, 4:50 long video available for viewing on YouTube, using the easy-viewing guide below – just click on the time entry of the chapter of interest, sit back and enjoy!
Please be sure to share all feedback, suggestions or constructive criticism that might come to you using either the comments area or my “Contact” form, being sure to include the time-frame of the section that you’re commenting about. Of note, we already know that we needed a full-time lens wiper on the skyward-pointed camera #2 – thank you!
In addition to the core production team, additional thanks are due for all who contributed in their own individual ways on the path to this groundbreaking broadcast taking shape, including the Aero150 show organizers (Gatineau Air Shows Inc. 2017), Mr. Jason Rhian (SpaceFlight Insider), Mr. Dan McLaren (Mach 1 Productions), Mr. Colin Kunkel (Kestrel Aviation Images), Lieutenant-Colonel Brad Wintrup (Commanding Officer, 431 (Air Demonstration) Squadron), Lieutenant (N) Michèle Tremblay (Public Affairs Officer, 431 (Air Demonstration) Squadron), Sergeant John Enright (Crew Chief, 431 (Air Demonstration) Squadron) and of course the remainder of the greater Snowbirds and CF display team family.
Chapter Number |
Time | Description |
1 | 0:00:08 | Opening remarks with Holly Bridges and Dan Dekoker |
2 | 0:02:17 | Snowbird 10 shoutout |
3 | 0:07:09 | Startup of CT-114 Tutor (15 Wing Moose Jaw, SK) |
4 | 0:09:43 | Interview: Major Holly Brown (Royal Canadian Air Force) |
5 | 0:13:35 | Interview: Lt(N) Michèle Tremblay (CF Snowbirds) |
6 | 0:20:20 | Snowbirds checking in |
7 | 0:22:30 | Arrival of French Airbus A400M cargo plane, first Alphajets |
8 | 0:36:44 | Interview: Major Steve Thompson (Royal Canadian Air Force) |
9 | 0:45:00 | Behind the scenes: introduction to the CT-114 ejection seat |
10 | 0:55:17 | TarmacCam (stationary Airbus A400M, Alphajet arrivals) |
11 | 0:58:36 | Aero150 Show Opening with Lieutenant-General Michael Hood (Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force) |
12 | 1:01:04 | Canadian Armed Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks |
13 | 1:25:42 | Co-host check-in: Canada150 |
14 | 1:31:39 | Behind the scenes: tour of a CT-114 cockpit with Snowbird 10 |
15 | 1:39:15 | The 2017 Canadian Forces Snowbirds |
16 | 1:43:55 | “Snowbirds, ROLL NOW” (take off) |
17 | 2:18:15 | The technicians of the CF Snowbirds |
18 | 2:25:14 | Co-host check-in, with executive producer Sean Costello |
19 | 2:30:48 | CF Snowbirds recovery and shutdown |
20 | 2:36:19 | Co-host check-in: The importance of training aircraft and the CT-155 Hawk II |
21 | 2:43:13 | CT-155 Hawk II trainer take off |
22 | 2:48:13 | Ramp operations: preparation of Vintage Wings of Canada warbirds |
23 | 2:48:08 | CT-155 Hawk II 2-ship flypast |
24 | 2:55:32 | Interview: Colonel (Retired) Chris Hadfield |
25 | 3:10:34 | Ramp operations: Vintage Wings of Canada warbirds (P51 Mustang, FG-1D Corsair, Hawker Hurricane Mk IV) |
26 | 3:16:42 | CP-140 Aurora flypast |
27 | 3:24:39 | Starduster biplane: initial startup |
28 | 3:27:42 | Starduster biplane: runup, taxi and takeoff |
29 | 3:41:27 | Warbirds engine warmup |
30 | 3:45:38 | Warbirds taxi and takeoff |
31 | 3:55:00 | Vintage Wings of Canada 3-ship formation flypast |
32 | 4:04:56 | Co-host check-in: Perley Rideau Veterans thank you |
33 | 4:07:24 | Interview: Memories of the Vimy Ridge dedication, featuring John Newell |
34 | 4:13:01 | La Patrouille de France: taxi |
35 | 4:21:54 | La Patrouille de France: takeoff |
36 | 4:39:54 | Co-host check-in: volunteer ‘thank you’s, getting started with flight schools |
37 | 4:43:23 | Interview: Major Holly Brown |
38 | 4:45:06 | Co-host check-in: show wrap up, La Patrouille de France taxi |